E: [email protected] | T: 01305 866000
WPNSA has a commitment to caring for the environment and in striving to play our part in making our industry more sustainable. The Academy was the first Sailing Venue in the world to achieve the Sustainable Event Certification ISO 20121. This is a management system standard designed to help organisations in the event industry improve the sustainability of their events.
The purpose of Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy (WPNSA) is to promote the sport of sailing at all levels of competence, provide a facility for community use as well as National and International sailing competitions and contribute to substantial economic regeneration of the area.
WPNSA understands that its events have social, economic and environmental impacts. WPNSA recognises the importance of both reducing the adverse effects and maximising the positive benefits of these impacts and will implement an event management system based on its core values:
To conduct ourselves with uncompromised integrity.
Provide a fun and focused environment that fosters respect for our employees, customers and suppliers.
To encourage excellence in every effort.
To recognise and reward the achievements of our employees.
Understand that conservative financial management is essential to our success.
To be ever conscious of our ecological impact and do our utmost to protect the environment.
To consistently operate upon the well-established ‘One Planet Living’ principles of sustainable development.
WPNSA is committed to continual improvement through compliance with all applicable legislation and regulations, and adopting voluntary codes of best practice.
WPNSA intends to:
Measure the environmental, economic and social impacts of its events;
Develop and implement an event management system and operating procedures based on sustainability principles;
Identify, communicate and engage with its key stakeholders to deliver its commitment to sustainability principles;
Set specific sustainability objectives and targets against Key Performance Indicators based upon the WPNSA’s principles of sustainable development;
Allocate reasonable resources to deliver sustainable events;
Provide leadership and best practice in the field of sustainable event management.
It is the policy to do all that is reasonable to ensure that any sustainability issues are assessed and reviewed relating to WPNSA activities. The significant sustainability issues have been identified as:
Litter and waste management
Transport and accessibility
Energy consumption
Continual attraction of World class events and associated economic support to local area
Each event organiser working with the venue is responsible for ensuring compliance with this policy and all regulations applicable to their event.
This policy applies to all event stakeholders including staff, clients and suppliers.
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