Event Support Boat Registration Form

Details of Sailors You Are Supporting
• I confirm I am qualified to a minimum of RYA Power Boat Level Two or the equivalent
• I confirm my RIB/boat has a functioning engine kill switch.
• I will wear the kill cord as recommended whenever the engine is running and have a spare kill cord on board.
• I confirm I have working VHF (either fixed or handheld)
• I confirm personal floatation devices shall be worn at all times whilst afloat by all persons on board the support vessel, except briefly to change or adjust clothing.
• I confirm the support vessel will be covered by valid third-party insurance to a minimum €3,000,000 per incident or the equivalent.
• I understand that I am not permitted to refuel from jerry cans on the pontoons. (Boats may refuel either at Portland Marina fuelling berth or by taking removable tanks to a service station).
• I confirm I will adhere to the regulations of Portland Harbour Authority.
The Organising Authority will use the information provided on this form and the attached documents for the purposes of fulfilling its obligations under the Racing Rules of Sailing, to which the parties have agreed to be bound by entering the event. The legal basis for processing information relating to parties bound by the Racing Rules of Sailing is contract, and for processing information relating to any party not bound by the Racing Rules of Sailing is legitimate interest. The information will be stored and used in accordance with the WPNSA Privacy and/or Class Association Privacy Policy. The request and associated decision may be published.

WPNSA cannot accept responsibility for any loss, theft or damage to property, craft, or vehicle. These are left entirely at your own risk.
The Academy is a multifaceted business. The driving force and focus are the sailing events, but to sustain the facilities and business the WPNSA has several other revenue streams
    Osprey Quay
    DT5 1SA

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