Day/Weekly Membership

Day / Weekly Membership

Daily and weekly memberships are available for those wishing to occasionally launch from WPNSA. The fee covers launching, parking and use of the changing facilities, with overnight storage available if required at an additional fee.

Please note, that all daily and weekly members must also pay Portland Harbour Fees.

Important Information

The access gate to the deep water slipway will be open between 8am and 8pm daily. For access outside of these times please contact Portland Marina directly on  01305 866190, or alternatively, on VHF Channel 80. This slipway facility is only available to WPNSA Members or those who have taken a Day Membership with WPNSA.

Please also refer to our Regulations and Guidance documents below.

Day Membership Terms & Conditions

  • Vehicles and trailers must be left in the main car park, opposite the academy building and not in the dinghy park or by the slipway. Dinghy park gates may be locked after 5pm.
  • We do not offer any safety cover, so please ensure all crew are proficient sailors and swimmers and that you are carrying sufficient safety equipment and a means of communication.
  • Day Membership does NOT include the mandatory Harbour Dues.  These are additional and are put in place by Portland Port Authority for the maintenance and upkeep of Portland Harbour.
  • Please help us to help the environment by not wasting water when washing off boats, and ensuring no litter or belongings are left on site.
The Academy is a multifaceted business. The driving force and focus are the sailing events, but to sustain the facilities and business the WPNSA has several other revenue streams
    Osprey Quay
    DT5 1SA

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